
The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery

We enter to learn, we leave to achieve!

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World Book Week ~ Author Visit

As part of World Book ‘Week’ celebrations, we have had an author, Holly Wadsworth-Hill, visit our school and complete workshops with children in Years 1-4. Holly is a local author who creates books to support inclusion, enhance reading skills and develop imagination. Her books have a creative twist – the reader becomes the illustrator.

Holly has kindly set up a code on her website, which can be used by all families of our school. This code entitles buyers to 25% off of their order. The code has no expiration date, so will be valid to use on any new titles published.


The code to apply is: PHOENIXPRIMARY


We would like to thank you for your continued support in developing your child’s love of reading. We look forward to continuing to share upcoming activities and events with you soon.

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