
The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery

We enter to learn, we leave to achieve!

Background Slideshow




In the links above you will find out all about the exciting learning that is yet to come this term! Please have a browse.


Below you will find important information regarding your child's PE time slot and information on reading.


The links below are for the platforms used for online homework, along with others that your child also has access to.


J2e/TT Blast -

SATS Companion -

Language Angels -

TT Rockstars -


If you have any questions regarding any work set or being able to access any online learning, please email the year 6 team at .  


Reading Books

Children in year 6 are expected to read at home each day, either to a family member or independently.  Please ensure reading records are brought to school daily and signed when your child has read so it can be included in their termly reading challenge.   We can then also write in them when they read with adults in school.


Each Year 6 pupil is aiming to have read 12 books by the end of each term. If completed the pupils will receive an exciting reward. If a pupil reads 12 books in each of the three academic terms they will receive a final reward at the end of the year.

6S are reading lots in school, please continue to read with them at home to help them reach their target!


P.E Days

Year 6 will have weekly P.E. although sometimes the day it is on may change.  Therefore please ensure that your child has their P.E kit at school every day. Your child will need a white T-shirt, black shorts and suitable footwear (trainers/plimsolls).  In the winter months your child can wear black tracksuit bottoms and a jumper.  Hair should be tied up and earrings MUST be removed. Your child will not be able to join in with P.E if they have earrings in. 

Class Blogs

Please read our weekly class blogs below.

Thursday 21st July 2022

6S Class Blog


The very last week in primary school for our Year 6 pupils - wow! We cannot believe it. 


The children have worked tremendously hard throughout this year, and in previous years. They have come together as a team throughout COVID-19; demonstrating their tenacity and resilience. They should be so proud of their achievements - they deserve it! 


On behalf of the Year 6 teachers, we wish the children all the very best in their futures, and the very best of luck transitioning into the next phase of their education. They're going to be brilliant! 


Have a fantastic summer all - stay safe and enjoy yourselves.

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