
The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery

We enter to learn, we leave to achieve!

Background Slideshow


Welcome Message 

In the links above, you will find out all about the exciting learning that is yet to come this half term! Please have a browse. 


Below you will find important information regarding your child's PE time slot and information on reading. 


At the bottom of the page you will find the children's class blog - A weekly update of all the exciting things that happen within the week! Enjoy! 


Reading Books 


Each week, you will receive a reading book matched to your child’s phonetic level. This book coincides with the Read, Write, Inc. book they will be reading during their daily phonics sessions with their RWI teacher. This book will be changed every FridayChildren will also read with staff in school, so please ensure they have this with them every day. 


We continue to learn phonics in Year 2 to consolidate learning and support fluency. As your child shows progression and completion of the programme, they will then be moved from the scheme to levelled and free-reader books. 


In the front of RWInc Book Bag Books, you will find supportive notes to help your child read the book; this follows a similar structure to how they read at school. RWInc follows a teaching sequence to encourage children to read, rather than recall, the text they are presented with.  


Our suggested activities for this book - 


  1. (Day 1) – Ask your child to read the title, the Story Green Words and Red Words. Child to read the text, if able, or explore the illustrations. 
  2. (Day 2) – Ask your child to read the first half of the book, using questioning to support understanding. 
  3. (Day 3) – Recap what has been read. Ask your child to read the second half of the book, using questioning to develop understanding. 
  4. (Day 4) – Ask your child to retell the story using the pictures in the back of the book to help them. 
  5. (Day 5) – Read the questions at the back of the book aloud to your child and ask him or her to find the answers in the relevant pages. 

You will also receive access to your child’s RWI book they are reading in their daily phonics sessions via the Oxford Owl website. You can follow the suggested activities for this book as well. 


When you read with your child, please write into their reading record so that your child works towards receiving their reading certificate and prize. Your child’s reading record will also be checked every Friday.  P.E. Days 


Year 2 have P.E once per week; the day will be confirmed with a sign on the door. As part of our developing curriculum, additional PE activities will be embedded into core subjects. Please ensure that your child has their P.E kit at school on PE days. Hair should be tied up and earrings MUST be removed on these days. Your child will not be able to join in with P.E if they have earrings in.  Homework 


Homework will be set weekly on Spelling Shed and Oxford Owl. Children also have access to Numbots, which supports their maths skills at their current working level. Spelling Shed will be replacing Reading Eggs for our Year 2 pupils. This will help them build their confidence in independent writing and also help prepare them for their SATs in the Summer term.  Logins can be found in your child’s Reading Record. 

Class blogs 

Class Blog – Friday 7th July 2023


We have been reading Katie in London – JZ

We have been describing the Crown Jewels – PM

We have been using expanded noun phrases – EI

In English this week we have been making a poster to persuade people to go to London - ESK



We have been learning about tally charts – AM

We have been revisiting place value -TF

We have looked at pictograms – FB



We have been writing a fact file about Pompeii- HK

Mount Vesuvius erupted in 79AD - HP

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