
The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery

We enter to learn, we leave to achieve!

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Welcome to R2's Class Page

Here you will find information about the class and can find out what we have been doing in the classroom. Please check back weekly for updates.


Polite Reminders


We are going to be having P.E every Monday.

At the moment, we will only be removing jumpers/cardigans, and socks and shoes. Your child needs a P.E kit so that it is in school ready for when we start getting changed. On P.E day, please remove your child's earrings and tie their hair back. 


When children begin to bring home reading books, these will be changed every Tuesday.  Please write in your child’s reading record each time they read at home. If you read with your child five times, please write in their record each time. This will earn them ticks on their reading card, which will eventually lead to certificates and prizes. All information on this is will be in the front of your child’s reading record book. Please ensure you child has their book bag EVERYDAY and please ensure no water bottles or snacks are put into the bags as we don’t want our precious books getting wet and ruined.  



Once again, we thank you for your continued support.


Reception Blog ~ Friday 3rd May 2024

This week we have continued learning about plants growing. We have had the opportunity to watch our cress grow and are logging what we have noticed in our cress diaries!

We have also continued to explore books about planting, growing and seeds too!

Read, Write, Inc.

This week in phonics we have been having RWI assessments so that we can move children to new sets if necessary! We are very proud of all of their progress!

Here is a link to demonstrate how we say the sounds:

Most of us are now blending sounds into words. You can find out more information about this here:   

‘Jolly Phonics’ has some great songs that children can learn at home to support their phonics development:         


This week in Maths we have been exploring addition! We have been making physical and practical number sentences and then used numbers to represent those number sentences that we have made. Some children might have also practically explored number sentences using maths Kung Fu too! We have been using the language of “first, then and now” to show how we are adding more to an already existing amount to make a new greater total than before.  

Literacy / Creative Curriculum

For literacy this week we have continued to write our cress diaries and have written our 2nd and 3rd entries, including drawings of what we observed!

Please remember children in Reception will have their books changed every Tuesday. Please continue to write in your child’s reading record each time they read at home. If you read with your child five times, please write in their record each time. This will earn them ticks on their reading card, which will eventually lead to certificates and prizes. All information on this is in the front of your child’s reading record book. Please ensure you child has their book bag EVERYDAY and please ensure no water bottles or snacks are put into the bags as we don’t want our precious books getting wet and ruined.  


Homework this week will be in your homework files this week – please ensure that they are completed and returned by Wednesday 😊


The children are thoroughly enjoying taking part in our PE lessons on Mondays. We are learning lots of new skills and different ways in which to move our bodies. Please remember we are only removing shoes and socks for the time being and ALL EARRINGS must be removed.



  • With the weather changing continually, please ensure that your child has appropriate clothing for all types of weather as well as a water bottle every day as the weather becomes warmer throughout spring.


Have a lovely weekend and Bank Holiday Monday

The Reception Team

EYFS Production - The First Christmas Day

Still image for this video
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