
The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery

We enter to learn, we leave to achieve!

Background Slideshow

Children's University

The Phoenix Primary School are passionate about encouraging children to explore new learning opportunities and want to celebrate ALL children’s learning experiences. The Children’s University is an initiative created to encourage participation in extra-curricular activities in and outside of school. 


The Essex Children’s University want to achieve the following outcomes for every child that takes part: 


  • They feel they have grown in confidence and self-belief.
  • They have enjoyed new experiences, in new places and want to keep exploring.
  • They believe they have a broader range of essential skills.
  • They feel empowered to make positive choices about their future.
  • They see that learning is fun, aspirational and lifelong.
  • They feel their eyes have been opened to a multiplicity of learning activities and opportunities.
  • They feel celebrated for their commitment to learning by their family, school and community.


Every child that is a member of the Children’s University is issued with their own ‘Passport to Learning’. This is used to record their participation in extra-curricular activities. Members are also given an online portal login to record and collect their stamps online. The children will be working towards National Certificates which “recognise, reward and celebrate their achievements”. Passports will be collected every half term for participation hours to be counted.


At the end of the school year, we will hold a Children’s University Graduation Ceremony which celebrates the children's learning and exploring, and certificates of learning are awarded.


If you are interested in joining the Children’s University or have any questions please do not hesitate to ask Miss Larking.


For more information: 



Learning Destinations


Below is a list of formal Learning Destinations where children can gain learning stamps. If you attend external clubs and activities which are not a member of Children's University, below is a 'postcard' you can print and give to learning providers to formally sign up as a Learning Destination.


Don't worry if your club or activity isn't a Learning Destination, your learning hours will still count and a stamp can be given at school.



Here are some activities you can do:

  • Arts and Crafts
  • Learning new skills e.g. baking
  • Outdoor learning
  • After-School clubs (external or internal)
  • Sports
  • Reading Challenges


You can write each activity and the amount of hours you have done in your passport. Any teacher can sign it or a member of staff at your club.


Children's University Challenges


Children's University challenges are activities you can do at home and outside of school. They will also tell you how many learning stamps you can gain for each one, just make sure you take some pictures of what you have done. 


Celebration Wall


On Monday 8th July, we held our annual Children’s University Graduation and what a fantastic ceremony it was! 20 of our brilliant children graduated with bronze, silver and gold awards for all their extra-curricular learning during this academic year. The children were dressed in graduation caps and gowns as they were presented with their certificates and to end, the children carried on tradition by tossing their caps into the air. We would like to say a huge thank you to all of the families who attended the ceremony, your continuous support and encouragement really does make a difference and we hope to see even more children graduating next year!


Here are pictures of all our hard-working graduates this year. Congratulations to our graduates of 2024!

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