
The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery

We enter to learn, we leave to achieve!

Background Slideshow


Welcome Message


In the links above you will find out all about the exciting learning that is yet to come this half term! Please have a browse.


Below you will find important information regarding your child's PE time slot and information on reading.


At the bottom of the page you will find the children's class blog- A weekly update of all the exciting things that happen within Year 3! Enjoy!


Reading Books

Every child in Year 3 will have a reading book and we encourage them to read with an adult at home. We will visit the library weekly and children will bring home their choice of a library book. Please ensure that their reading books and reading records are in school each and every day as we will be reading with each child throughout the week. Every time a child reads with an adult, they will receive a stamp on their reading chart, which will earn them certificates and book prizes.


P.E Days

Year 3 will have PE once a week, however, the day may change. Please ensure that your child has their P.E kit at school every day. Hair should be tied up and earrings MUST be removed on these days. Your child will not be able to join in with P.E if they have earrings in.

Class Blogs

Please read our weekly class blogs below.

Thursday 14th July 2022



In English we have been reading a character description on The Iron Man

ST “In English we have been writing a character description about Iron Man”

RS “In English we did a comprehension on a text about The Iron Man”



In maths we have been looking at the properties of 3D shapes. We have been looking at how many vertices, faces and edges each one has and comparing them.

AP “In maths, we have been learning about 3D shapes. We looked at their vertices, edges and faces”

FK “On Tuesday, we looked at 3D shapes and we found their features”



In science we have used our understanding about plants to create a guide on how to successfully grow a plant.

AK “In science we have made a poster about how plants need to grow”

EB “In science, we have created a poster telling people how to grow a plant and some top tips on growing one”



JH “In RE, we have made a poster which included all the tings we have learnt about Sikhism in year 3.

SE “In RE, we made a poster about the 5Ks and all about Sikhism”



AS “In Geography, we have been writing the 6 steps which form a volcano. We drew these in a storyboard”

FA “In Geography we have been drawing in boxes how a volcano is formed”


Sports Day

PR “On sports day, we took part in running races and relay races”

ZG “On sports day, we did lots of races and my favourite race was the relay”

LH “I enjoyed the beanbag throwing into the hoop”

SS “I liked the egg and spoon race because I only dropped the egg once!”







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