
The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery

We enter to learn, we leave to achieve!

Background Slideshow


Welcome Message


At the bottom of the page you will find the children's class blog- A  weekly update of all the exciting things that happen within year 5!



In year 5 we are using Mirodo as an online platform to complete homework. Every child has a login and each week a Maths and English task will be set. Please find a handbook below which is a guide to getting started.



It is important that you read to someone at least 3 times per week but everyday if possible. You or an adult can record when you have read in your Reading Journal. Each time you read, you will receive a tick on your reading chart. When your chart is full up, you will receive a certificate. Once you complete your platinum award, you will get to choose a book to keep and take home.



Your PE kit should be in school every day as our sessions may change or may take place as part of a cross curricular lesson. Hair should be tied up and earrings MUST be removed on these days, otherwise you will not be able to join in with P.E if you have earrings in.


Please ensure that you wear the correct school uniform every day.


Work hard and have fun learning!

Class Blogs

Please read our weekly class blogs below.

15th July 2022

5L Class Blog

This week was quite a busy week, we had transition day on Monday where the children spent the morning with their new teacher and in their classrooms for the next academic year. The children got a taste of Year 6. On Thursday, we had KS2 sports day. It was a lovely to see the children taking part enthusiastically in the different events.


In maths, we worked on converting units of time, interpreting time tables and working out duration.  


In English comprehension, using an advert poster, we worked on identifying and explaining the purpose of persuasive features in a text. For grammar, the children continued to work on using connectives to link ideas and create cohesion in writing.


In Geography, the children worked on how to use an atlas. During their map reading activity, they used their knowledge of map reading to locate physical features in specific locations.


In science, the children were introduced to life expectancy in animals. First, the children learnt the definition of life expectancy. Next, they looked at the life expectancy of a number of animals. Then, they completed a table which incorporated the gestation period and life expectancy of animals. Afterwards, the children used the data from the table to plot line- graphs. Finally, the children analysed the two line-graphs and used their analysis to respond to the statement: Animals with longer gestation periods have longer life expectancy.


Well done 5L


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