Welcome Message
In the links above you will find out all about the exciting learning that is yet to come this half term! Please have a browse.
Below you will find important information regarding your child's PE time slot and information on reading.
At the bottom of the page you will find the children's class blog- A weekly update of all the exciting things that happen within the week! Enjoy!
Reading Books
Please listen to your children read daily. When the children are confident with the text, their book will be changed. Please ensure book bags are in school each and every day as we will be reading with each child throughout the week.
P.E Days
Year 1 have P.E weekly and the day will be confirmed with a sign on the door. Please ensure that your child has their P.E kit at school on this day. Hair should be tied up and earrings MUST be removed on these days. Your child will not be able to join in with P.E if they have earrings in.
Homework is set every Friday via J2E. This will direct you to access Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds where your children will complete an English and Maths task. Please support your child in completing these tasks. Their logins for J2E, Reading Eggs and Maths Seeds can be found inside their reading journals. If you encounter any problems, please speak to your class teacher.
Class Blogs
Please read our weekly class blogs below.
Class Blog ~ Thursday 14th July 2022
This week we have been writing our own version of 'Whatever Next' by Jill Murphy. We choose to set ours in the ocean! Baby Bear travelled in his submarine, flushed himself down the toilet and landed in the ocean! He met mermaids and starfish and killer orcas on his way!
This week we have taken part in end of year assessments. Well done to the children for all their hard work!
We have finished our explorers topic this week by finding out why Armstrong went into space. We found out that President Kennedy wanted America to win the space race so he spent lots of money training people to be the best!
Meet the Teacher
On Monday morning we met our Year 2 teachers. We were very excited and had a fantastic time!
Sports Day
On Wednesday, we took part in Sports Day! We had lots of run taking part in a range of different activities!