What a fantastic Adventure Island trip we have had! 26, KS1 children have worked so hard across the year to earn their three, gold merit badges to take part in the Adventure Island trip.
Our day started off with a fun-filled train trip and then a swift walk down to Adventure Island to get on the rides as quickly as possible. We felt very lucky with the weather, as the weekend was a bit of a washout. The sun was still shining so we made sure to enjoy the water slides! We managed to go on lots of the rides in the park. We enjoyed a delicious chicken nugget and chip meal for lunch, which went down a treat.
Thank you Miss Geary for organising this trip and for showing the children the recognition that they deserve. We were so lucky today and the smiles of the children said it all. I know there will be many children next year who will work extra hard to have over 98% attendance and to earn lots of house points, so that they can enjoy the Adventure Island trip.