
The Phoenix Primary School & Nursery

We enter to learn, we leave to achieve!

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Hilltop Day 3

Day 3 

We are halfway through now, it’s going so quickly. We have had another fantastic day. Breakfast was continental and made a lovely change. Croissants and fruit salad. Everyone enjoyed it and set us up for the day ahead. 


Group 1 had Bushcraft and shelter build, group 2 had air jump, group 3 had archery and crates and group 4  had climbing wall and power fan. We had a brilliant morning and were ready for lunch - pizza and salad. 


This afternoon’s activities started promptly at 1pm. Group 1 had Super Swing and bikes, group 2 had Bushcraft and shelter build, group 3 had climbing wall and power fan and group 4 had archery and crates. Everyone had a brilliant afternoon. 

Dinner was fish and chips followed by treacle sponge. Delicious!  Evening activity was owls and mice. The children had a great night. Everyone was in bed asleep by 9pm. Night night all. See you all tomorrow.

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